HenryWSC 57

Matthew Henry’s Westminster Shorter Catechism Commentary on Question 57

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Does the fourth commandment concern the time of worship? Yes: for there is a time to every purpose,
Eccles. 3:1
. Must our worship be confined to that time? No: for we must pray always,
Eph. 6:18
. But is that appointed for the certain time? Yes: Blow up the trumpet in the time appointed,
Ps. 81:3
. Is it the will of God we should take special notice of this command? Yes: for he has said, Remember it. Are we apt to forget it? Yes: they have hid their eyes from my sabbaths,
Ezek. 22:26
Must we keep holy the sabbath day? Yes: Keep the sabbath day to sanctify it,
Deut. 5:12
. Is a sabbath a day of rest? Yes: It shall be a sabbath of rest unto you,
Lev. 16:31
. Must we labour the six days, and do all our work? Yes: For in the sweat of thy face shall thou eat bread,
Gen. 3:19
. But is not work for God part of our work? Yes: for we must work the works of God,
John 6:28
. Must we not then do that on the six days? Yes: Every day will I bless thee,
Ps. 145:2
. But must we especially do it on sabbath days? Yes: for it is the Holy of the Lord,
Isa. 58:13
. Must we therefore rest from other work on that day? Yes: that we may attend upon the Lord without distraction,
1 Cor. 7:35
Must children keep holy the sabbath day? Yes: Thou, and thy son, and thy daughter. And servants? Yes: That thy man-servant and maid-servant may rest as well as thou,
Deut. 5:14
. And is there good reason for the sanctification of the sabbath? Yes: Ye shall keep my sabbaths, I am the Lord your God,
Lev. 19:3
HenryWSC 57